Willie Chalmers III
Director of Development
Nick Burnett
Dev Officer
Ashwin Somasundaram
Dev Officer
Abdullah Hasani
Dev Officer
Nam Truong
Dev Officer
Sai Bommisetty
Dev Officer
Samuel Okei
Dev Officer
Steven Nguyen
Dev Officer
Thais Campanac-Climent
Dev Officer
What we do
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sed luctus justo. Ut lobortis pulvinar metus, vitae placerat nisi feugiat in. Phasellus hendrerit non nisi vitae feugiat. Aenean ornare condimentum lacus et iaculis. Aliquam posuere urna sed justo egestas, eget cursus mauris eleifend. Ut lorem nibh, venenatis quis nunc ac, imperdiet ultricies orci. Curabitur ac rutrum enim. Fusce sed maximus sem. Morbi imperdiet velit vitae nisi bibendum euismod. Maecenas nulla orci, molestie sed mattis sit amet, laoreet sed risus. Donec lacinia eget metus ut placerat. Sed purus massa, commodo sed ullamcorper at, convallis non tellus. Curabitur non lorem vitae augue bibendum vehicula vel vel risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent non diam egestas felis varius dapibus id sed enim. Quisque dapibus porttitor porttitor.
ACM Website
Instant access to all information regarding ACM...
Nick Burnett
Made with NextJS, Sanity, and the rawest CSS you've ever seen. Learn everything there is to know about ACM UTD.
Discord Bot
Useful automation for everyone in ACM...
Jafar Ali
Erik Zhang
Nick Burnett
Coded in TypeScript, the ACM Discord Bot provides every bit of functionality available in the official ACM Discord.
Project Nebula
Don't really know what this is...
Willie Chalmers III
Sunny Guan
Many Others
Made with Willie & friends. Not completely sure what this does yet, but I'm willing to bet it's a banger.
Spring 2021
Something happened here
While I'm unsure what exactly transpired during this time, I am confident in saying that something, if at the very least a minuscule amount, happened during the Spring 2021 semester of ACM Development. As such, I will leave this momento to Director Willie as proof that media can be displayed. I'm pretty sure Willie was made director but since that didn't happen until later in the semester I guess that doesn't count just yet.
Summer 2021
So many projects !!
Wow there are so many things to do for ACM Development! We have plenty of content due for release on August 1st (public at Fall kickoff) including the revamped ACM website, updated Member Portal, and lots of HackUTD tech.
Fall 2021
ACM Kickoff Success
Not really much to say since it hasn't been a success yet, but it will be...